Tuesday, May 28, 2013

#2: What foods are you going to miss from Spain?

Question of the Day #2!

Answers (and a brief description of the foods):
-Paella- spiced rice with chicken, seafood (typically shrimp), and peppers (and other vegetables) that is cooked in a large, open pan
-Tortilla de Patata- Chopped up, fried potatoes that are then fried with eggs. Basically a big, thick, potato omlette.
-Spanish Bread- This speaks for itself
-Jamon Serrano- I'm not entirely sure how to translate this but basically ham cut straight off the leg. Its good.

These are the basic, general things. Also things like certain spanish foods more eaten at home, and definitely host moms' cooking.




Monday, May 27, 2013

#1: What foods are you looking forward to eating when you return to your home country?

Question of the Day #1!

Answers: Chipotle, Mexican Food, Dairy Queen, Apple Pancakes, Walmart (not a food...), Pizza from Dominos, Nutter Butter Cookies, and homemade chocolate chip cookies.

That's all! Tomorrow's question is: What foods are you going to miss from Spain?



Long Time, No See!

Well it's been awhile. Like a long while. So basically a lot has happened. Let's get started!

Since my last post I…

1. …Hiked 75 miles through northern Spain: In March I participated, along with around 40 other AFSers, on a journey called "El Camino de Santiago." (known as St. James' Way in English). On Thursday (the second day of Spring Break) a friend came over to spend the night because on Friday we woke up and left the house by 4.30 (yes, in the morning) to catch our 6 a.m. flight to Santiago, in the province of Galicia, in Northwest Spain. In the airport we met up with some other Madrid AFSers and together we made it to Santiago by the lovely ol' time of 8 o'clock in the morning. We then wandered around Santiago all day (without seeing the cathedral, of course (more on that later)) and met up with a few others. We then caught two buses to reach our starting point in the little town of Sarria. In Sarria, we met up with everyone that was going on the trip. That was a great moment, when we pulled into the bus station in Sarria and got to see all of our friends, many of whom we had not seen since the arrival orientation in September. The next five days were spent walking through the Galician countryside. It rained on us the whole time but that really didn't matter, we all had a good time seeing old friends and making new ones. In every little "Pueblo" (village) we would stop and get a stamp for our "Passport", our papers that contained all our stamps and showed all of the places we had been (I, along with one other friend, was the only one who filled up their passport completely with stamps). On Wednesday, the last day, we woke up really early to start walking to ensure that we made it to the Cathedral in Santiago before 12 so we could attend the Pilgrim's Mass (the people that make the journey are called Pilgrims). After the mass we showed our Passports and received our Diploma certifying that we had complete the journey. The rest of the day was spent hanging out and buying souvenirs before everyone started leaving the next day for home.

2. …Showed 20 Bear Creeker's around Madrid: Literally the day after I returned from the Camino, I woke up at 7 to get to the airport in time to welcome Bear Creek's Spanish Trip to Madrid! I had a great time! That Friday we toured Madrid and saw some of the main things here, such as the Mueso del Prado and the Puerta del Sol (the Prado Museum and the Center Plaza in Madrid). The day after we went to Toledo where we got to see some of the many sights there, including architecture from three different cultures that all, at one point in time, had control of the city. I even got to see some things that I had never seen before, such as the Museo del Prado and different places in Toledo.

3. …Walked where they filmed Star Wars: After the Spanish Group left on Monday, I woke up on Tuesday and, instead of going to school, I went to the local train station here in Tres Cantos. There I met up with all of my friends and a bunch of other kids from my school. We then caught the train to downtown Madrid, where we caught the AVE (the high-speed train) to Sevilla (Seville) in the south of Spain for our class trip! We arrived in Sevilla at around 12.30-1.00 and then spent the afternoon touring around Sevilla. We got to see the Cathedral and the Plaza de España, which is where a scene from Star Wars was filmed! Then we all boarded the buses and headed out to our campground on the beach. We stayed in cabins for the week and during the day we would go to different places and do exciting things! We got to go spelunking and bird-watching, ride all-terrain vehicles on the beach and through the forest, and go surfing!

4. ...Saw Real Madrid play in their home stadium: I recently went, along with two friends, to a Real Madrid game! I had such a great time. We got some fairly cheap tickets (40 Euros or so) and even though we were in the cheap seats way in the back we had a great time! The whole experience was just amazing, and we even won 3-1. It was amazing! 

5. …Wore a suit two days in a row: I recently had three first communions in a period of two weeks. First I had my host sister’s in the middle of May. We all got dressed up fancy, went to the Mass, and then had the party afterward. The week after, on Saturday, I had the first communion for one of my host cousins. We did the same process (woke up, got dressed, went to mass, had the party) except we had to wake up way earlier because his started at 10.30 not 1.00 like my host sister’s. Then the next day, Sunday, we woke up even earlier for the communion for a different host cousin. This time we definitely didn’t follow the same procedure. We woke up around 7.00 and were out of the house by 8. We caught our train at 8.40 and made it to Valencia by 10.30. We then went to Mass in the city and then had the party outside the city in this restaurant on the beach! We got to go swimming and play in the sand. Then afterward we made our way back to Valencia, saw a bit of this cool museum, and then caught our train back home to Madrid around 9. Our train arrived in Madrid at 11.00 and we got home around midnight. We had school the next day.

So that’s all the fun, exciting things that have been happening over the past few months. Coming up I have an orientation this weekend, the weekend after I might go to the beach to see a friend (literally the EXACT place where I went on my school trip), and then after that I only have a few more weeks before I leave! ITS CRAZY!

Enjoy a few pictures: (Some of them aren't mine...)

At the airport at 5.30 in the morning!

 The day we arrived!

 About to start on the first day!

 This is one of the signs that marks the trail

 Me and a friend after one day of walking!
 Photobombing! Can you find all four people?

 These last two are just proof of the rain.

 The view from my hostel window on the last night! That is the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.

 Flight home!

 Plaza de Espana in Sevilla!


 Alexis, Ana, and I

 Alexis and I!

The Soccer Stadium!




P.S. I am going to try to start this thing called "Question of the Day." I will pick a question (or my mom will give me one) and I will ask my exchange friends for their opinions the day before. Then on weekdays I will post the question with our answers! Enjoy! Stay tuned for the first one later today!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Exchange Friends.

One of the best things about exchange is meeting people. Before leaving I could say that I had friends from 4 countries. The US, Korea, China and Chile. Now I can say I have friends from at least 14 different countries. Included: Thailand, Turkey, Japan, Canada, Austria, Germany, the US, China, Chile, and others. So I took the opportunity to invite a friend from Finland over while she was staying in my town. We made a video and she taught me some Finnish. :) Enjoy!



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Didn't you just SNOW there would be another video?

So in case you didn't catch from the title, it snowed here. :)
Watch the video to hear the whole story!

Miss you all! Hope everything is going great!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas Break!

I made this video almost a week ago and I posted it on Tuesday but I forgot to post it here. So here it is. :) Enjoy!

Spanish Class, I am looking forward to Skyping with you guys today!
Miss you all!



Friday, January 11, 2013


So I am actually putting pictures up on my Tumblr. So if you want to check that out. :)


Hope you enjoy!

Oh, and just FYI not nearly all of them are up, i am going to do it chunks at a time as it takes a while... :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ya vienen los Reyes Magos!

I thought I might take 5 minutes to describe this holiday more in depth. Tomorrow/Today is el Dia de los Reyes Magos. It celebrates when the Magi came to visit the baby Jesus and bring him gifts. On this day (tomorrow) we open gifts. Not on Christmas. And it is a big deal. Yesterday and the day before we (being my host family and I) went to two different plays. The one on Thursday was in Colmenar Viejo (look it up on Google maps if you want, it is just north of us in Tres Cantos) and it celebrated the Magi coming and that whole story with Herod. And apparently some of the actors are actually famous actors that are known throughout Spain. I didn't know any of them. And then yesterday we went to the Christmas play of the church. It was quite well done and I enjoyed it. Today we went to a parade! We left around 5 in Train for Madrid and saw the Cabalgata (parade kinda deal) there. There were TONS of people and it kinda made me think of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. But less huge. But still huge. We had an Ok spot but we couldn't see all of the stuff between the floats. Just the stuff on the floats. But i had a good time. And then we came home and had dinner and are about to go to bed. And then tomorrow we are going to about 5 different peoples houses (ok only 2 or 3, but still a lot) and bringing them the gifts from us. Oh, and one other thing. Here, the Reyes Magos bring EVERYTHING. So tomorrow we will be bringing people the gifts the Reyes left at our house for them. So know all of you know everything about this holiday. Now off to sleep. Good-Night!