Thursday, January 24, 2013

Didn't you just SNOW there would be another video?

So in case you didn't catch from the title, it snowed here. :)
Watch the video to hear the whole story!

Miss you all! Hope everything is going great!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas Break!

I made this video almost a week ago and I posted it on Tuesday but I forgot to post it here. So here it is. :) Enjoy!

Spanish Class, I am looking forward to Skyping with you guys today!
Miss you all!



Friday, January 11, 2013


So I am actually putting pictures up on my Tumblr. So if you want to check that out. :)


Hope you enjoy!

Oh, and just FYI not nearly all of them are up, i am going to do it chunks at a time as it takes a while... :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ya vienen los Reyes Magos!

I thought I might take 5 minutes to describe this holiday more in depth. Tomorrow/Today is el Dia de los Reyes Magos. It celebrates when the Magi came to visit the baby Jesus and bring him gifts. On this day (tomorrow) we open gifts. Not on Christmas. And it is a big deal. Yesterday and the day before we (being my host family and I) went to two different plays. The one on Thursday was in Colmenar Viejo (look it up on Google maps if you want, it is just north of us in Tres Cantos) and it celebrated the Magi coming and that whole story with Herod. And apparently some of the actors are actually famous actors that are known throughout Spain. I didn't know any of them. And then yesterday we went to the Christmas play of the church. It was quite well done and I enjoyed it. Today we went to a parade! We left around 5 in Train for Madrid and saw the Cabalgata (parade kinda deal) there. There were TONS of people and it kinda made me think of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. But less huge. But still huge. We had an Ok spot but we couldn't see all of the stuff between the floats. Just the stuff on the floats. But i had a good time. And then we came home and had dinner and are about to go to bed. And then tomorrow we are going to about 5 different peoples houses (ok only 2 or 3, but still a lot) and bringing them the gifts from us. Oh, and one other thing. Here, the Reyes Magos bring EVERYTHING. So tomorrow we will be bringing people the gifts the Reyes left at our house for them. So know all of you know everything about this holiday. Now off to sleep. Good-Night!